Thursday, May 20, 2010

Prophetic Dreams?

[February 15, 2010]

Last night we had friends over for dinner for Valentine's day on our newly made (by me!) dining room table. Carey's folks (Sam and Mary Kay) are in town for a few days too. After the parents went to bed, Carey told us all that she had a dream that the baby is a girl. Of course I wanted to know all about this dream. What was it in the dream that convinced her it was a girl? In what weird way did her dream convey that message? What sort of surreal subliminal communication relayed this information? I imagined David Lynchian sources. Like withered old clowns hanging from meat hooks spelling out "girl" with maritime signal flags. I figured the more cryptic, the more legitimate. Turns out it was straight forward. In it we were at the doctor's office, there was an ultrasound, and it was announced that the baby is a girl. The end. BO-ring. What a boring, boring dream. Unless of course it turns out to be the opposite... The sex of the baby is definitely in the forefront of our minds. I'm pretty sure we both want a girl. I know I do. Carey is worried that if it's a boy, I won't love it or whatever. I always tease her and say, "Well, if it's a boy maybe it will be gay." On our own at different times we have scanned our innermost intuitions trying to tap into the universe to figure out what sex we think the baby is. We both go back and forth. Sometimes the universe gives us a leaning towards it being a boy. Sometimes a girl. We just don't have a clue. But tomorrow science and technology will bring us the answer!

Carey is starting to feel kicks. She says it's all on the inside. When she goes for a long period of time without any kick-like sensations, she doubts the previous ones ever existed outside of her mind. But she woke up in the middle of the night a few days ago and tried to rouse me out of my NyQuil slumber (I'm nursing a serious cold right now) to put my hand on her tummy and catch baby in the act. I don't remember this, but I do know that Carey sleeps through everything. So if this woke her up it had to be real.

The whole nesting/mothering/fathering thing is something Carey and I have been accusing each other of lately. As mentioned earlier, I just finished making a dining room table out of reclaimed wood. This "creation" of mine Carey thinks is a sort of substitution for not being able to grow a baby inside of my stomach. Even though it was her idea for me to make the table in the first place! The truth is the cats are getting a whole bunch of mothering from her as of late. She checked a book out from the library all about cats. It convinced her the cats are bored, unhappy. This was Carey's excuse for buying five new cat toys. She's closely monitoring the cat's new diet. She has begun a regiment of exercising the cats before they eat (as recommended from the book) by a game of chase the laser pointer dot. She's mentioned several times her concern they don't like the newish litter box. Victor's already gone to the vet twice this year. In her favor, they have been acting strangely since she got pregnant, but they seem to be at a heightened level in her attention/mothering radar.

Dream No 2 [February 16, 2010]

Carey had another dream last night about the sex of the baby. This time it was a boy. Actually two boys. One was 5 and one 16. In the dream she slowly realized that the hospital was trying to take advantage of her, but not because of the extreme ages of her newborns. She told them that it would have been more convincing if they had just brought out one boy (5 or 16 year old?) because she knew from the ultrasound that there was only one baby in her before she gave birth. She also had a suspicion and asked if the kids had special needs. The hospital admitted that yes, the boys did have special needs. She knew it! Also they were both foster kids. So, still in line with dream logic, Carey marched the boys down to "the agency" to return them. We go to the sex-identifying ultrasound in minutes...

1 comment:

  1. Psst... I think you meant to type the date as 2010 on this post, FYI : )
